Data use charter



This charter for the use of personal data applies to the website, in particular accessible via the following url : proposed by the company VERITISE. It aims to inform you about:

This privacy policy complements the Legal Notices that you can consult on our Site.

We undertake to process all the data collected in accordance with:

The data subject whose personal data is processed by HORIZON accepts that it is processed in accordance with this policy.

Article 1: The Data Processing Manager

The identity and contact details of the Data Controller are as follows:

The company VERITISE, Simplified joint stock company, registered with the RCS Paris B 889953253, whose registered office is located 16 CRS ALBERT 1ER, 75008 PARISE, whose legal representative is Anna LUCKING in her capacity as president of the company VERITISE.

Requests relating to personal data must be sent by post to the following address:


Or via the email address [email protected]

Article 2: Personal data collected and processed

As part of the operation of our Site, we collect personal data relating to users.

2.1 General data is collected for the website :

2.2 We may process the following personal data in accordance with the purposes described in Article 3 of this Charter:

2.2.2 With regard to interaction with our Site, certain data is automatically collected from your device or your internet browser.

Information on these practices is specified in Article 8 “Cookies” below. This data includes the IP address and cookies.

Article 3: The purposes of the processing

We collect and/or process your personal data in compliance with European and French data protection laws, if necessary:

This processing aims to send by email to Users notifications of events concerning our activity and those of our partners.

The personal data you provide is used for accounting and internal audit purposes. They also allow us to detect technical problems and administer our Site. Personal data relating to the way you use our Site is used to understand User behavior and preferences and to compile statistics with a view to improving our services and developing new functionalities.

Article 4: Consent

During a contact request, you are required to fill in forms and communicate personal data.

We undertake, when the applicable regulations so require, to obtain your explicit, specific and prior consent, and/or to allow you to oppose the use of your personal data for certain purposes, and/or to access and/or to rectify information concerning him.

Article 5: Transmission of personal data to third parties

The personal data collected will be accessible:

- To the authorized personnel of the HORIZON company ensuring the management and maintenance of the site;

They may however be communicated to third parties pursuant to legal or regulatory provisions, court decisions or if this proves necessary for the protection or defense of our rights.

We do not transmit any personal data to partners for the purposes of commercial operations or for any other purposes that do not meet the needs of the purposes indicated in article 3. In the event that we consider modifying our transfer of data with a view to making transfers to partners, in particular commercial partners, this can be done exclusively subject to having obtained your explicit and prior consent.

Article 6: Hosting and transfer of personal data

The personal data collected and processed is hosted by any service provider hosting our servers in France or any other European territory.

The User is informed that we may, if necessary, transfer your personal data to a third country or to an international organization subject to an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission, it being specified that , in the presence of a transfer to a country or an international organization that is not the subject of an adequacy decision, then this can only be carried out on the condition that the appropriate guarantees are put in place and that the users concerned have enforceable rights and effective remedies, under the conditions of the Regulations in force.

Article 7: Storage of data

Personal data is kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is processed and according to the recommendations of the CNIL and is inspired by simplified standard No. NS-048 relating to automated processing of personal data. staff relating to the management of customers and prospects.

They can then be archived with restricted access for an additional period for limited reasons authorized by law (payment, guarantee, disputes, etc.).

Purpose of processing Lawfulness – legal basis Storage period in active database Archiving

Connection logs Consent via this charter 12 months

Messages sent via the contact form Consent via this charter 3 years from the last contact

Section 8: Cookies

When consulting our Site, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile or tablet.

A cookie is a small text file stored in the browser of your terminal (computer, mobile, tablet) when visiting a site or consulting an advertisement. It is intended to collect information relating to your browsing or to send you services adapted to your device. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser.

8.1 Cookies used and their purpose

Our Site uses :

operational cookies (mandatory) guaranteeing the proper functioning of our Site and allowing its optimization. Our Site cannot function properly without these cookies.

analytics cookies to obtain anonymous traffic statistics for our Site in order to optimize its ergonomics, navigation and content. By disabling these cookies, we will not be able to analyze our Site traffic. These cookies allow our services to function optimally. They are essential to navigate and access our Site. They are therefore still active. The cookies collected are not transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than those set out above.

8.2 Setting cookies

You have different means for managing cookies. You have the possibility below to manage the configuration of your cookies at any time via a dedicated interface or via your browser and thus oppose the registration of cookies by configuring your browser. The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes in terms of cookies. Click on the link corresponding to the browser of your choice to access detailed instructions on setting cookies:

8.3 Consent

By browsing our Site, you accept the use of the aforementioned cookies.

During your first navigation, we informed you of the presence of the aforementioned cookies and of the possibility of opposing them by accessing this Charter for the use of personal data.

We inform you that the refusal of cookies:

may cause our Site to malfunction

the impossibility of carrying out an analysis of the traffic on our Site

In order to manage cookies as closely as possible to your expectations, we invite you to configure your browser taking into account the purpose of cookies.

8.4 Rights of access, deletion, opposition

As for other personal data, you have the same rights specified in article 10 below.

8.5 Shelf life

The cookies collected are kept by us for a period of

This period is not automatically extended during your new visits to the site. Beyond this period, the data is either deleted or made anonymous if it is not.

Article 9: Data security

To ensure the security of personal data, in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties, we take all necessary precautions with regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented by the processing.

Article 10: User rights

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and with Law no. ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the following rights which you can exercise at any time by contacting the company VERITISE at the following email address [email protected], via the contact form, or by post to:


Any request must specify the right you wish to exercise, be accompanied by a photocopy of your valid national identity card (or passport) and mention the contact details (address, telephone, email) at which we can contact you. This information will only be kept for the time necessary to process your request.

However, it is specified that the exercise of your right to erasure of your personal data and/or the exercise of your right to oppose the processing of your personal data and/or the exercise of your right to a limitation of the processing of your personal data and/or of your right to withdraw your consent at any time to the processing of your personal data is likely to lead to the impossibility for the User to use the site.

In addition, you are informed of your right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) either by post 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris 07 or by filing a complaint online. on the website

Article 11. Information on the contractual nature of the provision of personal data

- the request for the provision of personal data is contractual in the context of the relationship that the User wishes to establish with the company HORIZON

Article 12. Automated decision making

It is indicated that, by means of the personal data collected, there is no automated decision-making within the meaning of the Regulations in force.

Article 13. Possible further processing of personal data

In the event that further processing of personal data is carried out for purposes other than those for which the personal data was collected and as identified above, the Data Controller will first provide the person concerned information about this other purpose and any other relevant legal information required.

Article 14. Age of the person who can provide personal data

The collection of personal data can only concern persons aged at least 18 years. Users of our Site must be of legal age to access it and, where applicable, to place an Order so that, by placing an Order via our Site and/or by communicating personal data to us, you declare and guarantee to the company VERITISE that you are at least 18 years old. This stipulation is without prejudice to the commitment that the User subscribes to the company VERITISE according to which he declares and guarantees to company VERITISE that he has the legal and legal capacity to use our Site.

Article 15: Links to other sites

Our Site may contain links to other sites, over which we have no control. We are not responsible for the data protection policies or practices of other sites you choose to visit from our Site. We therefore invite you to read the data protection policies of these other sites, in order to understand their methods of collecting, using and sharing your data.

Article 16: Amendments

We reserve the right to modify or update this Charter for the use of personal data at any time. These changes will be published in this section. You are invited to regularly consult the Charter for the use of personal data and to check whether any changes have been made to it.

Learn more

You will find further information on the protection of personal data on the website of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés ( )